PSG Foreign Sales and Acquisitions

A Bit About our company

PSG Foreign Sales and Acquisitions

Its the company who serve foreign sales & acquistions aboard for PSG Group and its clients. Helping our valuable clients to fulfill their homeland real estate needs a realty.

Companies often ask us to prepare a pre-acquisition valuation of intangible assets and goodwill to help them determine whether a proposed acquisition will be accretive.Our professionals also prepare opinions with respect to solvency and fairness. Solvency opinions are generally prepared for lenders, boards of directors, buyers and sellers, and creditors. We provide solvency opinions for highly leveraged transactions, capital restructurings, and debt refinancings.

In the sections that follow, we provide an overview of certain laws that would be of significance to M&A. Mergers and acquisitions are modes by which distinct businesses may combine. Joint ventures are another way for two businesses to work together to achieve growth as partners in progress, though a joint venture is more of a contractual arrangement between two or more businesses.