PSG Commercial

Our leadership

  • Giby Parackal
  • John W Varghese
  • Sageesh Marappillil / Varsha Khethani
  • Rani Sistla / Bharathi Chada
  • Sujata Vadi
  • Ginu Divakar
A Bit About our company

PSG Commercial

PSG Commercial offer Commercial BUY/SELL/LEASE/PPTY MGMT services for its clients. Years of experience in the market help us to get the right property at affordable pricing still on this hot market.

Analyze and classify leases for new lease accounting requirements, calculate percentage rent obligations, adjust indexed rents and related taxes, process rent and expense obligations, generate journal entries, run financial reports, and integrate with corporate accounting systems.Streamline the management of lease details to effectively manage critical dates, financial obligations, insurance requirements, security deposits and more for real estate and non-real estate leases.Manage leased and owned properties, critical dates and renewals, as well as integrate with other critical business systems and space management.Analyze the performance of locations by business line, region and market and effectively plan projects and capital for future real estate initiatives.

Create project schedules and budgets, manage bid processes, select vendors and open new locations faster, all while keeping everyone involved on the same page.

Create transparency in the transaction pipeline, facilitate collaboration between third-party service providers and internal departments, and demonstrate value-added activities throughout deal progress.